access specifiers
In a class or struct body define the visibility of following declarators In a inheritance list, define the maximum visibility of inherited members
[edit] Syntax
public: declarators | (1) | ||||||||
protected: declarators | (2) | ||||||||
private: declarators | (3) | ||||||||
class identifier : public class_name
(4) | ||||||||
class identifier : protected class_name
(5) | ||||||||
class identifier : private class_name
(6) | ||||||||
[edit] Explanation
- The symbols declared after the specifier have public accessibility
- The symbols declared after the specifier have protected accessibility
- The symbols declared after the specifier have private accessibility
- The inherited members have the same accessibility as the base class ( either protected or public as private won't be visible in the derived class )
- The inherited members have protected accessibility in the derived class
- The inherited members have private accessibility in the derived class
[edit] Member accessibility by specifier
- public
- public members are accessible everywhere, within and outside the class scope
- protected
- protected members are accessible within the class and its methods and in its descendants
- private
- private members can be only accessed within the class and its methods
To grant access to external functions or classes to protected or private members, a friendship declaration must be present in the class body
Inherited private members are still present in the class data but cannot be accessed directly
A class has default private accessibility for inheritance and members, a struct has instead a default public accessibility
This section is incomplete Reason: example |