if statement

From cppreference.com

Conditionally executes code.

Used where code needs to be executed only if some condition is present.


[edit] Syntax

attr(optional) if ( condition ) statement_true
attr(optional) if ( condition ) statement_true else statement_false
attr(C++11) - any number of attributes
condition - any expression which is contextually convertible to bool or a declaration of a single non-array variable with a brace-or-equals initializer.
statement_true - any statement often a compound statement, which is executed if condition evaluates to true
statement_false - any statement often a compound statement, which is executed if condition evaluates to false

[edit] Explanation

If the condition yields true, statement_true is executed.

If the else part of the if statement is present and condition yields false, statement_false is executed.

In the second form of if statement (the one including else), if statement_true is also an if statement then that inner if statement must contain an else part as well (in other words, in nested if-statements, the else is associated with the closest if that doesn't have an else)

[edit] Notes

If statement_true or statement_false is not a compound statement, it is treated as if it was:

    int i;
// i is no longer in scope

is the same as

if(x) {
    int i;
} // i is no longer in scope

The scope of the name introduced by condition, if it is a declaration, is the same as the scope of the body of the statements:

if (int x = f()) {
    int x; // error: redeclaration of x
else {
    int x; // error: redeclaration of x

[edit] Keywords

if, else

[edit] Example

The following example demonstrates several usage cases of the if statement

#include <iostream>
int main()
    // simple if-statement with an else clause
    int i = 2;
    if (i > 2) {
        std::cout << i << " is greater than 2\n";
    } else {
        std::cout << i << " is not greater than 2\n";
    // nested if-statement
    int j = 1;
    if (i > 1)
        if(j > 2)
            std::cout << i << " > 1 and " << j << " > 2\n";
        else // this else is part of if(j>2), not part of if(i>1) 
            std::cout << i << " > 1 and " << j << " <= 2\n";
   // declarations can be used as conditions with dynamic_cast
   struct Base {
        virtual ~Base() {}
   struct Derived : Base {
       void df() { std::cout << "df()\n"; }
   Base* bp1 = new Base;
   Base* bp2 = new Derived;
   if(Derived* p = dynamic_cast<Derived*>(bp1)) // cast fails, returns NULL
       p->df();  // not executed
   if(auto p = dynamic_cast<Derived*>(bp2)) // cast succeeds
       p->df();  // executed


2 is not greater than 2
2 > 1 and 1 <= 2