
Defined in header <mutex>
template< class Lockable1, class Lockable2, class LockableN... >
void lock( Lockable1& lock1, Lockable2& lock2, LockableN& lockn... );
(since C++11)

Locks the given Lockable objects lock1, lock2, ..., lockn using a deadlock avoidance algorithm to avoid deadlock.

The objects are locked by an unspecified series of calls to lock, try_lock, unlock. If a call to lock or unlock results in an exception, unlock is called for any locked objects before rethrowing.


[edit] Parameters

lock1, lock2, ... , lockn - the Lockable objects to lock

[edit] Return value


[edit] Example

The following example uses std::lock to lock pairs of mutexes without deadlock.

#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include <chrono>
struct Employee {
    Employee(int id) : id(id) {}
    int id;
    std::vector<int> lunch_partners;
    std::mutex m;
void send_mail(Employee &e1, Employee &e2)
    // simulate a time-consuming messaging operation
void assign_lunch_partner(Employee &e1, Employee &e2)
    // use std::lock to acquire two locks without worrying about 
    // other calls to assign_lunch_partner deadlocking us
    std::lock(e1.m, e2.m);
    send_mail(e1, e2);
    send_mail(e2, e1);
int main()
    Employee alice(0), bob(1), christina(2), dave(3);
    // assign in parallel threads because mailing users about lunch assignments
    // takes a long time
    std::vector<std::thread> threads;
    threads.emplace_back(assign_lunch_partner, std::ref(alice), std::ref(bob));
    threads.emplace_back(assign_lunch_partner, std::ref(christina), std::ref(bob));
    threads.emplace_back(assign_lunch_partner, std::ref(christina), std::ref(alice));
    threads.emplace_back(assign_lunch_partner, std::ref(dave), std::ref(bob));
    for (auto &thread : threads) thread.join();

[edit] See also

attempts to obtain ownership of mutexes via repeated calls to try_lock
(function template)