Standard library header <regex>


This header is part of the regular expressions library.


[edit] Namespace std::regex_constants

Defined in namespace std::regex_constants
general options controlling regex behavior
options specific to matching
describes different types of matching errors

[edit] Classes

regular expression object
(class template)
identifies the sequence of characters matched by a sub-expression
(class template)
identifies one regular expression match, including all sub-expression matches
(class template)
iterates through all regex matches within a character sequence
(class template)
iterates through the specified sub-expressions within all regex matches in a given string or through unmatched substrings
(class template)
reports errors generated by the regular expressions library
provides metainformation about a character type, required by the regex library
(class template)

[edit] Functions

attempts to match a regular expression to an entire character sequence
(function template)
attempts to match a regular expression to any part of a character sequence
(function template)
replaces occurrences of a regular expression with formatted replacement text
(function template)
Non-member operations
specializes the std::swap algorithm
(function template)
lexicographically compares the values in the container
outputs the matched character subsequence
(function template)
lexicographically compares the values in the two match result
(function template)
specializes the std::swap() algorithm
(function template)

[edit] Syopsis

#include <initializer_list>
namespace std {
    // regex constants:
    namespace regex_constants {
        enum error_type;
    } // namespace regex_constants
    // class regex_error:
    class regex_error;
    // class template regex_traits:
    template <class charT> struct regex_traits;
    // class template basic_regex:
    template <class charT, class traits = regex_traits<charT> > class basic_regex;
    typedef basic_regex<char> regex;
    typedef basic_regex<wchar_t> wregex;
    // basic_regex swap:
    template <class charT, class traits>
        void swap(basic_regex<charT, traits>& e1, basic_regex<charT, traits>& e2);
    // class template sub_match:
    template <class BidirectionalIterator> class sub_match;
    typedef sub_match<const char*>              csub_match;
    typedef sub_match<const wchar_t*>           wcsub_match;
    typedef sub_match<string::const_iterator>   ssub_match;
    typedef sub_match<wstring::const_iterator>  wssub_match;
    // sub_match non-member operators:
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator==(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator!=(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator<(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator<=(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator>=(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator>(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs, const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter, class ST, class SA>
        bool operator==(
            const basic_string<
                typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type, ST, SA>& lhs,
            const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter, class ST, class SA>
        bool operator!=(
            const basic_string<
                typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type, ST, SA>& lhs,
            const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter, class ST, class SA>
        bool operator<(
            const basic_string<
                typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type, ST, SA>& lhs,
            const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter, class ST, class SA>
        bool operator>(
            const basic_string<
                typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type, ST, SA>& lhs,
            const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter, class ST, class SA>
        bool operator>=(
            const basic_string<
                typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type, ST, SA>& lhs,
            const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter, class ST, class SA>
        bool operator<=(
            const basic_string<
                typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type, ST, SA>& lhs,
            const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter, class ST, class SA>
        bool operator==(
            const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs,
            const basic_string<
                typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type, ST, SA>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter, class ST, class SA>
        bool operator!=(
            const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs,
            const basic_string<
                typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type, ST, SA>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter, class ST, class SA>
        bool operator<(
            const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs,
            const basic_string<
                typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type, ST, SA>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter, class ST, class SA>
        bool operator>(
            const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs,
            const basic_string<
                typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type, ST, SA>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter, class ST, class SA>
        bool operator<=(
            const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs,
            const basic_string<
                typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type, ST, SA>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter, class ST, class SA>
        bool operator>=(
            const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs,
            const basic_string<
                typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type, ST, SA>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator==(typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const* lhs,
            const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator!=(typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const* lhs,
            const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator<(typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const* lhs,
            const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator>(typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const* lhs,
            const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator>=(typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const* lhs,
            const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator<=(typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const* lhs,
            const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator==(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs,
            typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const* rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator!=(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs,
            typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const* rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator<=(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs,
            typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const* rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator>=(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs,
            typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const* rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator<(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs,
            typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const* rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator>(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs,
            typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const* rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator==(typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const& lhs,
            const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator!=(typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const& lhs,
            const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator>=(typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const& lhs,
            const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator<=(typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const& lhs,
            const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator>(typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const& lhs,
            const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator<(typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const& lhs,
            const sub_match<BiIter>& rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator==(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs,
            typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const& rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator!=(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs,
            typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const& rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator>=(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs,
            typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const& rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator<=(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs,
            typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const& rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator<(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs,
            typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const& rhs);
    template <class BiIter>
        bool operator>(const sub_match<BiIter>& lhs,
            typename iterator_traits<BiIter>::value_type const& rhs);
    template <class charT, class ST, class BiIter>
        basic_ostream<charT, ST>&
        operator<<(basic_ostream<charT, ST>& os, const sub_match<BiIter>& m);
    // class template match_results:
    template <class BidirectionalIterator,
              class Allocator = allocator<sub_match<BidirectionalIterator> > >
        class match_results;
    typedef match_results<const char*>              cmatch;
    typedef match_results<const wchar_t*>           wcmatch;
    typedef match_results<string::const_iterator>   smatch;
    typedef match_results<wstring::const_iterator>  wsmatch;
    // match_results comparisons
    template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Allocator>
        bool operator== (const match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m1,
                         const match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m2);
    template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Allocator>
        bool operator!= (const match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m1,
                         const match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m2);
    //  match_results swap:
    template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Allocator>
        void swap(match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m1,
                  match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m2);
    //  function template regex_match:
    template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Allocator,
              class charT, class traits>
        bool regex_match(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last,
                         match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m,
                         const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e,
                         regex_constants::match_flag_type flags =
    template <class BidirectionalIterator, class charT, class traits>
        bool regex_match(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last,
                         const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e,
                         regex_constants::match_flag_type flags =
    template <class charT, class Allocator, class traits>
        bool regex_match(const charT* str, match_results<const charT*, Allocator>& m,
                         const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e,
                         regex_constants::match_flag_type flags =
    template <class ST, class SA, class Allocator, class charT, class traits>
        bool regex_match(const basic_string<charT, ST, SA>& s,
                typename basic_string<charT, ST, SA>::const_iterator,
                Allocator>& m,
            const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e,
            regex_constants::match_flag_type flags =
    template <class charT, class traits>
        bool regex_match(const charT* str,
            const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e,
            regex_constants::match_flag_type flags =
    template <class ST, class SA, class charT, class traits>
        bool regex_match(const basic_string<charT, ST, SA>& s,
            const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e,
            regex_constants::match_flag_type flags =
    // function template regex_search:
    template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Allocator,
              class charT, class traits>
        bool regex_search(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last,
            match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m,
            const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e,
            regex_constants::match_flag_type flags =
    template <class BidirectionalIterator, class charT, class traits>
        bool regex_search(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last,
            const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e,
            regex_constants::match_flag_type flags =
    template <class charT, class Allocator, class traits>
        bool regex_search(const charT* str,
            match_results<const charT*, Allocator>& m,
            const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e,
            regex_constants::match_flag_type flags =
    template <class charT, class traits>
        bool regex_search(const charT* str,
            const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e,
                regex_constants::match_flag_type flags =
    template <class ST, class SA, class charT, class traits>
        bool regex_search(const basic_string<charT, ST, SA>& s,
            const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e,
            regex_constants::match_flag_type flags =
    template <class ST, class SA, class Allocator, class charT, class traits>
        bool regex_search(const basic_string<charT, ST, SA>& s,
                typename basic_string<charT, ST, SA>::const_iterator,
                Allocator>& m,
            const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e,
            regex_constants::match_flag_type flags =
    //  function template regex_replace:
    template <class OutputIterator, class BidirectionalIterator,
              class traits, class charT, class ST, class SA>
        regex_replace(  OutputIterator out,
                        BidirectionalIterator first, 
                        BidirectionalIterator last,
                        const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e,
                        const basic_string<charT, ST, SA>& fmt,
                        regex_constants::match_flag_type flags =
    template <class OutputIterator, class BidirectionalIterator,
              class traits, class charT>
        regex_replace(  OutputIterator out,
                        BidirectionalIterator first, 
                        BidirectionalIterator last,
                        const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e,
                        const charT* fmt,
                        regex_constants::match_flag_type flags =
    template <class traits, class charT, class ST, class SA,
              class FST, class FSA>
        basic_string<charT, ST, SA>
        regex_replace(  const basic_string<charT, ST, SA>& s,
                        const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e,
                        const basic_string<charT, FST, FSA>& fmt,
                        regex_constants::match_flag_type flags =
    template <class traits, class charT, class ST, class SA>
        basic_string<charT, ST, SA>
        regex_replace(  const basic_string<charT, ST, SA>& s,
                        const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e,
                        const charT* fmt,
                        regex_constants::match_flag_type flags =
    template <class traits, class charT, class ST, class SA>
        regex_replace(  const charT* s,
                        const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e,
                        const basic_string<charT, ST, SA>& fmt,
                        regex_constants::match_flag_type flags =
    template <class traits, class charT>
        regex_replace(  const charT* s,
                        const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e,
                        const charT* fmt,
                        regex_constants::match_flag_type flags =
    // class template regex_iterator:
    template <class BidirectionalIterator,
              class charT = typename iterator_traits<
              class traits = regex_traits<charT> >
        class regex_iterator;
    typedef regex_iterator<const char*>             cregex_iterator;
    typedef regex_iterator<const wchar_t*>          wcregex_iterator;
    typedef regex_iterator<string::const_iterator>  sregex_iterator;
    typedef regex_iterator<wstring::const_iterator> wsregex_iterator;
    // class template regex_token_iterator:
    template <class BidirectionalIterator,
              class charT = typename iterator_traits<
              class traits = regex_traits<charT> >
        class regex_token_iterator;
    typedef regex_token_iterator<const char*>               cregex_token_iterator;
    typedef regex_token_iterator<const wchar_t*>            wcregex_token_iterator;
    typedef regex_token_iterator<string::const_iterator>    scregex_token_iterator;
    typedef regex_token_iterator<wstring::const_iterator>   wscregex_token_iterator;
} // namespace std

[edit] Namespace std::regex_constants

namespace regex_constants {
    typedef /*T1*/ syntax_option_type;
    static constexpr syntax_option_type icase = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr syntax_option_type nosubs = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr syntax_option_type optimize = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr syntax_option_type collate = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr syntax_option_type ECMAScript = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr syntax_option_type basic = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr syntax_option_type extended = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr syntax_option_type awk = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr syntax_option_type grep = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr syntax_option_type egrep = /*unspecified*/ ;
    typedef /*T2*/ match_flag_type;
    static constexpr match_flag_type match_default = 0;
    static constexpr match_flag_type match_not_bol = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr match_flag_type match_not_eol = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr match_flag_type match_not_bow = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr match_flag_type match_not_eow = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr match_flag_type match_any = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr match_flag_type match_not_null = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr match_flag_type match_continuous = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr match_flag_type match_prev_avail = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr match_flag_type format_default = 0;
    static constexpr match_flag_type format_sed = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr match_flag_type format_no_copy = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr match_flag_type format_first_only = /*unspecified*/ ;
    typedef /*T3*/ error_type;
    static constexpr error_type error_collate = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr error_type error_ctype = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr error_type error_escape = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr error_type error_backref = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr error_type error_brack = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr error_type error_paren = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr error_type error_brace = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr error_type error_badbrace = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr error_type error_range = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr error_type error_space = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr error_type error_badrepeat = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr error_type error_complexity = /*unspecified*/ ;
    static constexpr error_type error_stack = /*unspecified*/ ;

[edit] Class std::regex_error

class regex_error : public std::runtime_error {
    explicit regex_error(regex_constants::error_type ecode);
    regex_constants::error_type code() const;

[edit] Class std::regex_traits

template <class charT>
struct regex_traits {
    typedef charT                           char_type;
    typedef std::basic_string<char_type>    string_type;
    typedef std::locale                     locale_type;
    typedef /*bitmask_type*/                char_class_type;
    static std::size_t length(const char_type* p);
    charT translate(charT c) const;
    charT translate_nocase(charT c) const;
    template <class ForwardIterator>
        string_type transform(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last) const;
    template <class ForwardIterator>
        string_type transform_primary(
            ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last) const;
    template <class ForwardIterator>
        string_type lookup_collatename(
            ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last) const;
    template <class ForwardIterator>
        char_class_type lookup_classname(
            ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, bool icase = false) const;
    bool isctype(charT c, char_class_type f) const;
    int value(charT ch, int radix) const;
    locale_type imbue(locale_type l);
    locale_type getloc()const;

[edit] Class std::regex

template <class charT,
    class traits = regex_traits<charT> >
class basic_regex {
    // types:
    typedef          charT                                  value_type;
    typedef          traits                                 traits_type;
    typedef typename traits::string_type                    string_type;
    typedef          regex_constants::syntax_option_type    flag_type;
    typedef typename traits::locale_type                    locale_type;
    //  constants:
    static constexpr regex_constants::syntax_option_type
        icase = regex_constants::icase;
    static constexpr regex_constants::syntax_option_type
        nosubs = regex_constants::nosubs;
    static constexpr regex_constants::syntax_option_type
        optimize = regex_constants::optimize;
    static constexpr regex_constants::syntax_option_type
        collate = regex_constants::collate;
    static constexpr regex_constants::syntax_option_type
        ECMAScript = regex_constants::ECMAScript;
    static constexpr regex_constants::syntax_option_type
        basic = regex_constants::basic;
    static constexpr regex_constants::syntax_option_type
        extended = regex_constants::extended;
    static constexpr regex_constants::syntax_option_type
        awk = regex_constants::awk;
    static constexpr regex_constants::syntax_option_type
        grep = regex_constants::grep;
    static constexpr regex_constants::syntax_option_type
        egrep = regex_constants::egrep;
    explicit basic_regex(const charT* p,
        flag_type f = regex_constants::ECMAScript);
    basic_regex(const charT* p, size_t len, flag_type f = regex_constants::ECMAScript);
    basic_regex(const basic_regex&);
    basic_regex(basic_regex&&) noexcept;
    template <class ST, class SA>
        explicit basic_regex(const basic_string<charT, ST, SA>& p,
            flag_type f = regex_constants::ECMAScript);
    template <class ForwardIterator>
        basic_regex(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
            flag_type f = regex_constants::ECMAScript);
        flag_type = regex_constants::ECMAScript);
    basic_regex& operator=(const basic_regex&);
    basic_regex& operator=(basic_regex&&) noexcept;
    basic_regex& operator=(const charT* ptr);
    basic_regex& operator=(initializer_list<charT> il);
    template <class ST, class SA>
        basic_regex& operator=(const basic_string<charT, ST, SA>& p);
    //  assign:
    basic_regex& assign(const basic_regex& that);
    basic_regex& assign(basic_regex&& that) noexcept;
    basic_regex& assign(const charT* ptr,
        flag_type f = regex_constants::ECMAScript);
    basic_regex& assign(const charT* p, size_t len, flag_type f);
    template <class string_traits, class A>
        basic_regex& assign(const basic_string<charT, string_traits, A>& s,
            flag_type f = regex_constants::ECMAScript);
    template <class InputIterator>
        basic_regex& assign(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
            flag_type f = regex_constants::ECMAScript);
    basic_regex& assign(initializer_list<charT>,
        flag_type = regex_constants::ECMAScript);
    // const operations:
    unsigned mark_count() const;
    flag_type flags() const;
    // locale:
    locale_type imbue(locale_type loc);
    locale_type getloc() const;
    // swap:
    void swap(basic_regex&);

[edit] Class std::sub_match

template <class BidirectionalIterator>
class sub_match : public std::pair<BidirectionalIterator, BidirectionalIterator> {
    typedef typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::
        value_type                                              value_type;
    typedef typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::
    difference_type                                             difference_type;
    typedef BidirectionalIterator                               iterator;
    typedef basic_string<value_type>                            string_type;
    bool matched;
    constexpr sub_match();
    difference_type length() const;
    operator string_type() const;
    string_type str() const;
    int compare(const sub_match& s) const;
    int compare(const string_type& s) const;
    int compare(const value_type* s) const;

[edit] Class std::match_results

template <class BidirectionalIterator,
            class Allocator = allocator<sub_match<BidirectionalIterator> >
class match_results {
    typedef sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>                    value_type;
    typedef const value_type&                                   const_reference;
    typedef const_reference                                     reference;
    typedef /*implementation-defined*/                          const_iterator;
    typedef const_iterator                                      iterator;
    typedef typename 
        iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::difference_type difference_type;
    typedef typename allocator_traits<Allocator>::size_type     size_type;
    typedef Allocator                                           allocator_type;
    typedef typename 
        iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type      char_type;
    typedef basic_string<char_type>                             string_type;
    // construct/copy/destroy:
    explicit match_results(const Allocator& a = Allocator());
    match_results(const match_results& m);
    match_results(match_results&& m) noexcept;
    match_results& operator=(const match_results& m);
    match_results& operator=(match_results&& m);
    // state:
    bool ready() const;
    // size:
    size_type size() const;
    size_type max_size() const;
    bool empty() const;
    // element access:
    difference_type length(size_type sub = 0) const;
    difference_type position(size_type sub = 0) const;
    string_type str(size_type sub = 0) const;
    const_reference operator[](size_type n) const;
    const_reference prefix() const;
    const_reference suffix() const;
    const_iterator  begin() const;
    const_iterator  end() const;
    const_iterator  cbegin() const;
    const_iterator  cend() const;
    //  format:
    template <class OutputIter>
        format(OutputIter out,
            const char_type* fmt_first, const char_type* fmt_last,
            regex_constants::match_flag_type flags =
            regex_constants::format_default) const;
    template <class OutputIter, class ST, class SA>
        format(OutputIter out,
            const basic_string<char_type, ST, SA>& fmt,
            regex_constants::match_flag_type flags =
            regex_constants::format_default) const;
    template <class ST, class SA>
        basic_string<char_type, ST, SA>
        format(const basic_string<char_type, ST, SA>& fmt,
            regex_constants::match_flag_type flags =
            regex_constants::format_default) const;
        format(const char_type* fmt,
            regex_constants::match_flag_type flags =
            regex_constants::format_default) const;
    // allocator:
    allocator_type get_allocator() const;
    // swap:
    void swap(match_results& that);