
Defined in header <regex>
template <

    class CharT = char,
    class Traits = std::regex_traits<CharT>

> class basic_regex;
(since C++11)

The class template basic_regex provides a general framework for holding regular expressions.

Several specializations for common character types are provided:

Defined in header <regex>
Type Definition
regex basic_regex<char>
wregex basic_regex<wchar_t>


[edit] Member types

Member type Definition
value_type CharT
traits_type Traits
string_type Traits::string_type
locale_type Traits::locale_type
flag_type std::regex_constants::syntax_option_type

[edit] Member functions

constructs the regex object
(public member function)
destructs the regex object
(public member function)
assigns the contents
(public member function)
assigns the contents
(public member function)
returns the number of marked sub-expressions within the regular expression
(public member function)
returns the syntax flags
(public member function)
get locale information
(public member function)
set locale information
(public member function)
swaps the contents
(public member function)


Value Effect(s)
icase ignores case when matching characters
nosubs does not store sub-expression matches
optimize faster matching, slower construction
collate makes range expressions locale-sensitive
ECMAScript uses an ECMA-262 (Perl 5) syntax
basic uses a POSIX basic regular expression syntax
extended uses a POSIX extended regular expression syntax
awk uses an awk-compatible syntax
grep uses a grep-compatible syntax
egrep uses an extended grep-compatible syntax

[edit] Non-member functions

specializes the std::swap algorithm
(function template)