Standard library header <utility>


This header is part of the general utility library.





rel_ops Provide automatic comparison operators
Defined in namespace std::rel_ops
automatically generates comparison operators based on user-defined operator== and operator<
(function template)


swaps the values of two objects
(function template)
forwards a function argument
(function template)
obtains an rvalue reference
(function template)
obtains an rvalue reference if the move constructor does not throw
(function template)
obtains the type of expression in unevaluated context
(function template)
creates a pair object of type, defined by the argument types
(function template)
lexicographically compares the values in the pair
(function template)
specializes the std::swap algorithm
(function template)
accesses an element of a pair
(function template)


implements binary tuple, i.e. a pair of values
(class template)
tag type used to select correct function overload for piecewise construction
Forward declarations
implements fixed size container, which holds elements of possibly different types
(class template)
an object of type piecewise_construct_t used to disambiguate functions for piecewise construction

[edit] Synopsis

#include <initializer_list>
namespace std {
    // operators:
    namespace rel_ops {
        template<class T> bool operator!=(const T&, const T&);
        template<class T> bool operator> (const T&, const T&);
        template<class T> bool operator<=(const T&, const T&);
        template<class T> bool operator>=(const T&, const T&);
    // swap:
    template<class T> void swap(T& a, T& b) noexcept(noexcept(a.swap(b));
    template <class T, size_t N> 
        void swap(T (&a)[N], T (&b)[N]) noexcept(noexcept(swap(*a, *b)));
    // forward/move:
    template <class T> T&& forward(typename remove_reference<T>::type& t) noexcept;
    template <class T> T&& forward(typename remove_reference<T>::type&& t) noexcept;
    template <class T> typename remove_reference<T>::type&& move(T&&) noexcept;
    template <class T> typename conditional<
        !is_nothrow_move_constructible<T>::value && is_copy_constructible<T>::value,
        const T&, T&&>::type move_if_noexcept(T& x) noexcept;
    // declval, as unevaluated operand:
    template <class T>
        typename add_rvalue_reference<T>::type declval() noexcept; 
    // pairs:
    template <class T1, class T2> struct pair;
    // pair specialized algorithms:
    template <class T1, class T2>
        bool operator==(const pair<T1,T2>&, const
    template <class T1, class T2>
        bool operator< (const pair<T1,T2>&, const pair<T1,T2>&);
    template <class T1, class T2>
        bool operator!=(const pair<T1,T2>&, const pair<T1,T2>&);
    template <class T1, class T2>
        bool operator> (const pair<T1,T2>&, const pair<T1,T2>&);
    template <class T1, class T2>
        bool operator>=(const pair<T1,T2>&, const pair<T1,T2>&);
    template <class T1, class T2>
        bool operator<=(const pair<T1,T2>&, const pair<T1,T2>&);
    template <class T1, class T2>
        void swap(pair<T1,T2>& x, pair<T1,T2>& y) noexcept(noexcept(x.swap(y)));
    template <class T1, class T2>
        pair<V1,V2> make_pair(T1&&, T2&&);
    //tuple-like access to pair:
    template <class T> class tuple_size;
    template <size_t I, class T> class tuple_element;
    template <class T1, class T2> struct tuple_size<std::pair<T1, T2> >;
    template <class T1, class T2> struct tuple_element<0, std::pair<T1, T2> >;
    template <class T1, class T2> struct tuple_element<1, std::pair<T1, T2> >;
    template<size_t I, class T1, class T2>
        typename tuple_element<I, std::pair<T1, T2> >::type& 
        get(std::pair<T1, T2>&) noexcept;
    template<size_t I, class T1, class T2>
        typename tuple_element<I, std::pair<T1, T2> >::type&& 
        get(std::pair<T1, T2>&&) noexcept;
    template<size_t I, class T1, class T2>
        const typename tuple_element<I, std::pair<T1, T2> >::type&
            get(const std::pair<T1, T2>&) noexcept;
    // pair piecewise construction
    struct piecewise_construct_t { };
    constexpr piecewise_construct_t piecewise_construct = piecewise_construct_t();
    template <class... Types> class tuple; // defined in <tuple>

[edit] Class std::pair

template <class T1, class T2>
struct pair {
    typedef T1 first_type;
    typedef T2 second_type;
    T1 first;
    T2 second;
    pair(const pair&) = default;
    pair(pair&&) = default;
    constexpr pair();
    pair(const T1& x, const T2& y);
    template<class U, class V> pair(U&& x, V&& y);
    template<class U, class V> pair(const pair<U, V>& p);
    template<class U, class V> pair(pair<U, V>&& p);
    template <class... Args1, class... Args2>
             tuple<Args1...> first_args, tuple<Args2...> second_args);
    pair& operator=(const pair& p);
    template<class U, class V> pair& operator=(const pair<U, V>& p);
    pair& operator=(pair&& p) noexcept(see below);
    template<class U, class V> pair& operator=(pair<U, V>&& p);
    void swap(pair& p) noexcept( noexcept(swap(first, p.first)) &&
                                 noexcept(swap(second, p.second)) );

[edit] See also

<tuple> Defines std::tuple
Utility library