
< cpp
C++ language
General topics
Flow control
Conditional execution statements
Iteration statements
Jump statements
function declaration
lambda function declaration
function template
inline specifier
exception specifications (deprecated)
noexcept specifier (C++11)
decltype specifier (C++11)
cv specifiers
storage duration specifiers
constexpr specifier (C++11)
auto specifier (C++11)
alignas specifier (C++11)
alternative representations
typedef declaration
type alias declaration (C++11)
attributes (C++11)
implicit conversions
const_cast conversion
static_cast conversion
dynamic_cast conversion
reinterpret_cast conversion
C-style and functional cast
Memory allocation
Class-specific function properties
Special member functions
class template
function template
template specialization
parameter packs (C++11)
Inline assembly

Comments serve as a sort of in-code documentation. When inserted into a program, they are effectively ignored by the compiler; they are solely intended to be used as notes by the humans that read source code. Although specific documentation is not part of the C++ standard, several utilities exist that parse comments with different documentation formats.


[edit] Syntax

/* comment */ (1)
// comment\n (2)

1) Often known as "C-style" or "multi-line" comments.

2) Often known as "C++-style" or "single-line" comments.

[edit] C-style

C-style comments are usually used to comment large blocks of text, however, they can be used to comment single lines. To insert a C-style comment, simply surround text with /* and */; this will cause the contents of the comment to be ignored by the compiler. Although it is not part of the C++ standard, /** and */ are often used to indicate documentation blocks; this is legal because the second asterisk is simply treated as part of the comment. C-style comments cannot be nested.

C-style comments are often preferred in environments where C and C++ code may be mixed, because they are the only form of comment that can be used in the C standard (prior to C99).

[edit] C++-style

C-style comments are usually used to to comment single lines, however, multiple C++-style comments can be placed together to form multi-line comments. C++-style comments tell the compiler to ignore all content between // and a new line, which makes them very useful.

[edit] Example

/* C-style comments can contain
multiple lines */
/* or just one */
// C++-style comments can comment one line
// or, they can
// be strung together
int main()
  // The below code won't be run
  // return 1;
  // The below code will be run
  return 0;