
In preparation for the North American ICPC regionals, the North American Invitational Programming Contest is running a series of online practice contests. These contests are open to everyone, but are scheduled at times that are convenient for teams in the North American ICPC super-region.

These practice contests are possible thanks to the following volunteers:

We would also like to express our gratitude to the ICPC regions and contests that are allowing their problem sets to be used in these practice contests.

If you’d like to help run these practice contests, please contact Borja Sotomayor.

About the North American Invitational Programming Contest

These practice contests are run under the auspices of the North American Invitational Programming Contest (NAIPC). The NAIPC is a yearly programming contest run by the University of Chicago with the goal of improving the preparation of North American ICPC teams before the ICPC World Finals.

For more information about the NAIPC, check out the website of the NAIPC 2018 (the latest edition of the NAIPC).