
Defined in header <set>

    class Key,
    class Compare = std::less<Key>,
    class Allocator = std::allocator<Key>

> class set;

std::set is an associative container that contains a sorted set of unique objects of type Key. Sorting is done using the key comparison function Compare. Search, removal, and insertion operations have logarithmic complexity. Sets are usually implemented as red-black trees.

std::set meets the requirements of Container, AllocatorAwareContainer, AssociativeContainer and ReversibleContainer.


[edit] Member types

Member type Definition
key_type Key
value_type Key
size_type Unsigned integral type (usually size_t)
difference_type Signed integer type (usually ptrdiff_t)
key_compare Compare
value_compare Compare
allocator_type Allocator
reference Allocator::reference (until C++11)
value_type& (since C++11)
const_reference Allocator::const_reference (until C++11)
const value_type& (since C++11)
pointer Allocator::pointer (until C++11)
std::allocator_traits<Allocator>::pointer (since C++11)
const_pointer Allocator::const_pointer (until C++11)
std::allocator_traits<Allocator>::const_pointer (since C++11)
iterator BidirectionalIterator (until C++11)
Constant bidirectional iterator (since C++11)
const_iterator Constant bidirectional iterator
reverse_iterator std::reverse_iterator<iterator>
const_reverse_iterator std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>

[edit] Member functions

constructs the set
(public member function)
destructs the set
(public member function)
assigns values to the container
(public member function)
returns the associated allocator
(public member function)
returns an iterator to the beginning
(public member function)
returns an iterator to the end
(public member function)
returns a reverse iterator to the beginning
(public member function)
returns a reverse iterator to the end
(public member function)
checks whether the container is empty
(public member function)
returns the number of elements
(public member function)
returns the maximum possible number of elements
(public member function)
clears the contents
(public member function)
inserts elements
(public member function)
constructs element in-place
(public member function)
constructs elements in-place using a hint
(public member function)
erases elements
(public member function)
swaps the contents
(public member function)
returns the number of elements matching specific key
(public member function)
finds element with specific key
(public member function)
returns range of elements matching a specific key
(public member function)
returns an iterator to the first element not less than the given value
(public member function)
returns an iterator to the first element greater than a certain value
(public member function)
returns the function that compares keys
(public member function)
returns the function that compares keys in objects of type value_type
(public member function)

[edit] Non-member functions

lexicographically compares the values in the set
(function template)
specializes the std::swap algorithm
(function template)

[edit] Notes

The member types iterator and const_iterator may be aliases to the same type. Since iterator is convertible to const_iterator, const_iterator should be used in function parameter lists to avoid violations of the One Definition Rule.