
static int xalloc();

Returns an unique (program-wide) index value that can be used to access one long and one void* elements in the private storage by calling iword() and pword(). The call to xalloc does not allocate memory.


[edit] Parameters


[edit] Return value

unique integer for use as pword/iword index

[edit] Example

Uses base class pword storage for runtime type identification of derived stream objects.

#include <iostream>
template<class charT, class traits = std::char_traits<charT> >
class mystream : public std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>
    static const int xindex;
    mystream(std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>& ostr) :
        std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>(ostr.rdbuf())
         this->pword(xindex) = this;
    void myfn()
        *this << "[special handling for mystream]";
// each specialization of mystream obtains a unique index from xalloc()
template<class charT, class traits>
const int mystream<charT, traits>::xindex = std::ios_base::xalloc();
// This I/O manipulator will be able to recognize ostreams that are mystreams
// by looking up the pointer stored in pword
template<class charT, class traits>
std::basic_ostream<charT,traits>& mymanip(std::basic_ostream<charT,traits>& os)
 if (os.pword(mystream<charT,traits>::xindex) == &os) 
 return os;
int main()
    std::cout << "cout, narrow-character test " << mymanip << '\n';
    mystream<char> myout(std::cout);
    myout << "myout, narrow-character test " << mymanip << '\n';
    std::wcout << "wcout, wide-character test " << mymanip << '\n';
    mystream<wchar_t> mywout(std::wcout);
    mywout << "mywout, wide-character test " << mymanip << '\n';


cout, narrow-character test 
myout, narrow-character test [special handling for mystream]
wcout, wide-character test 
mywout, wide-character test [special handling for mystream]

[edit] See also

resizes the private storage if necessary and access to the void* element at the given index
(public member function)
resizes the private storage if necessary and access to the long element at the given index
(public member function)