std::chrono::duration::operator+=, -=, *=, /=, %=

duration& operator+=(const duration& d);
duration& operator-=(const duration& d);
duration& operator*=(const rep& rhs);
duration& operator/=(const rep& rhs);
duration& operator%=(const rep& rhs);
duration& operator%=(const duration& rhs);

Performs compound assignments between two durations with the same period or between a duration and a tick count value.

If rep_ is the member variable holding the number of ticks in this duration object,

1) Equivalent to rep_ += d.count(); return *this;
2) Equivalent to rep_ -= d.count(); return *this;
3) Equivalent to rep_ *= rhs; return *this;
4) Equivalent to rep_ /= rhs; return *this;
5) Equivalent to rep_ %= rhs; return *this;
6) Equivalent to rep_ %= d.count(); return *this;


[edit] Parameters

d - duration on the right-hand side of the operator
rhs - number of ticks on the right-hand side of the operator

[edit] Return value

A reference to this duration after modification

[edit] Example

#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
int main()
    std::chrono::minutes m(11);
    m *= 2;
    m += std::chrono::hours(10); // hours implicitly convert to minutes
    std::cout << m.count() << " minutes equals "
              << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::hours>(m).count() 
              << " hours and ";
    m %= std::chrono::hours(1);
    std::cout << m.count() << " minutes\n";


622 minutes equals 10 hours and 22 minutes

[edit] See also

increments or decrements the tick count
(public member function)
implements arithmetic operations with durations as arguments
(function template)