
T fetch_and( T arg,

             memory_order = std::memory_order_seq_cst );
T fetch_and( T arg,

             memory_order = std::memory_order_seq_cst ) volatile;
(member only of atomic<Integral> template specialization)
(since C++11)

Atomically replaces the current value with the result of bitwise AND of the value and arg. The operation is read-modify-write operation. Memory is affected according to the value of memory_order.


[edit] Parameters

arg - the other argument of bitwise AND
memory_order - memory order constraints to enforce

[edit] Return value

The value of the atomic variable before the call.

[edit] Exceptions

noexcept specification:  
  (since C++11)

[edit] See also

replaces the atomic object with the result of logical AND with a non-atomic argument and obtains the previous value of the atomic
(function template)