
< c | string | byte
Defined in header <string.h>
char *strrchr( const char *str, int ch );

Finds the last occurrence of ch (after conversion to char) in the byte string pointed to by str. The terminating null character is considered to be a part of the string and can be found if searching for '\0'.


[edit] Parameters

str - pointer to the null-terminated byte string to be analyzed
ch - character to search for

[edit] Return value

Pointer to the found character in str, or null pointer if no such character is found.

[edit] Example

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    char szSomeFileName[] = "foo/bar/foobar.txt";
    char *pLastSlash = strrchr(szSomeFileName, '/');
    char *pszBaseName = pLastSlash ? pLastSlash + 1 : szSomeFileName;
    printf("Base Name: %s", pszBaseName);


Base Name: foobar.txt

[edit] See also

finds the first occurrence of a character
finds the first location of any character in one string, in another string